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Longsword Drilling in Tempo with Footwork
How to Longsword vol. 3: Footwork
Vadi By the Source: Episode 9 - Turning Principle (Rotare)
HEMA longsword training tips: Basic footwork with the longsword
Longsword Drill - Fiore Footwork Form
HEMA Drill: Footwork Combination with Attacks
Longsword 16 Solo Flow Drill - 16 False & True Edge Cuts
HEMA Pandemic class - Footwork Tempo and Solo Drill
Longsword - Fiore Footwork Applications - Part 1
Footwork - HEMA Longsword Lesson
Project Hausbuch #7: Footwork in German Longsword
HEMA longsword training tips: Footwork and movement with cuts